Article 1 (Scope of Application)
  • This Terms of Use applies to all actions related to the use of the membership services (referred to as "Membership Services") provided by Nachi-Fujikoshi Corporation (referred to as "Nachi") on this website.
  • This Terms of Use sets for the conditions for using the Membership Services. Members (defined in Article 2) may access and use the Membership Services in accordance with this Terms of Use, after agreeing to it. By using the Membership Services, members are considered to have agreed to all the provisions of this Terms of Use.
  • Customers who wish to use the Membership Services can access the Membership Services by using the account (referred to as "Account") issued by Nachi after completing the membership registration as defined in Article 2.
Article 2 (Membership Registration)
  • Upon agreeing to this Terms of Use and completing the prescribed registration process, a contract (referred to as "this Agreement") based on the provisions of this Terms of Use will be established between you and Nachi, and you will qualify as a member. The membership registration process should be carried out by officers or employees belonging to the corporate entity becoming a member. Based on this article, customers who have obtained membership qualification will be referred to as "Members" below.
  • Nachi reserves the right to decline membership registration approval and may refuse to grant approval for membership registration in cases where the customer applying for membership registration corresponds to a competitor of Nachi or in cases where Nachi deems it inappropriate for other reasons.
  • Please carefully review the contents of the registration process and then enter the required information. Please provide accurate information during your registration. Nachi will not be held responsible for any damages incurred by members due to false information, errors, or omissions in the provided information.
  • Nachi reserves the right to modify this Terms of Use at any time at its discretion.
  • The revised Terms of Use will take effect from the time they are displayed on this website, except in cases where Nachi specifies otherwise.
  • If you use the Membership Services after the changes to this Terms of Use have taken effect, it will be deemed that you have agreed to all the provisions of the revised Terms of Use.
Article 3 (Management of ID and Password)
  • For the ID and password used to access the account, please ensure that they are complex and not easily guessed by third parties. Also, take responsibility for managing your login status on your own device, avoiding letting third parties use your device, and logging out after using the account on a third party's device. If Nachi confirms through prescribed methods that the combination of input or used ID and password matches the member's registration, it will provide the Membership Services assuming that the member was the user. Nachi will not be responsible for damages arising from the theft, misuse, or other circumstances where a member's account is used by a third party other than the member, regardless of the cause.
Article 4 (Modification of Registered Information)
  • If there are any changes to the information registered as a member (referred to as "Registered Information" below), please promptly notify us of the changes. Nachi will not be responsible for damages incurred as a result of not updating the Registered Information.
Article 5 (Specifications of Membership Services and Usage Environment)
  • The detailed specifications of the Membership Services will be separately specified on this website. Nachi may make improvements, additions, deletions, or other changes to the specifications of the Membership Services. Members are deemed to have pre-agreed to this.
  • Members are responsible for preparing the necessary environment for using the Membership Services, including hardware such as terminal devices, internet connection, security measures, at their own expense and responsibility.
Article 6 (Notification)
  • Notifications from Nachi to members will be conducted through means deemed appropriate by Nachi, including written notifications, sending emails, or posting on this website. In the case of notifications sent via email, they will be considered to have reached the member at the time of transmission to the email address previously provided to Nachi by the member. For notifications made through posting on this website, they will be considered to have reached the member at the time of their appearance on the website.
Article 7 (Prohibited Activities)
  • Members must not engage in the following activities when using the Membership Services:
    • Actions that infringe upon the rights, interests, reputation, etc. of Nachi or third parties
    • Actions that violate laws, court judgments, decisions or orders, or legally binding administrative measures
    • Actions that disrupt public order or morals
    • Actions that are false or misleading
    • Actions that are likely to lead to or result in criminal activities
    • Actions that provide benefits or cooperation to antisocial forces
    • Actions of impersonating a third party or intentionally transmitting false information
    • Actions of unlawfully collecting, disclosing, or providing third-party personal information or other privacy-related information
    • Actions of unauthorized access, using third-party accounts, creating or maintaining multiple accounts, and similar actions
    • Actions that induce malfunctions of the Membership Services
    • Obscene, discriminatory, religious, or political actions
    • Actions that may disrupt the operation of the Membership Services or other businesses of Nachi
    • Actions of sending or distributing harmful programs such as computer viruses to Nachi or third parties
    • Actions that violate this Terms of Use
    • Any other actions deemed inappropriate by Nachi
  • Members shall not assign, lend, sell, pledge, or otherwise dispose of any rights and obligations related to their account and this agreement to any third party.
Article 8 (Usage Fees)
  • Usage of member services is free of charge.
Article 9 (Member's Responsibilities)
  • Members shall use member services at their own responsibility and shall be solely responsible for actions taken and their consequences resulting from the use of member services.
  • In the event of any disputes arising between a member and a third party in relation to the use of member services, the member shall be responsible for resolving such disputes at their own expense and shall not cause any inconvenience to Nachi. In case such disputes arise, the member shall promptly inform Nachi of the situation.
  • Members shall compensate Nachi for any damages incurred as a result of their violation of this Terms of Use.
Article 10 (Disclaimer)
  • While Nachi strives to provide comprehensive Membership Services, Nachi makes no warranties to members regarding the absence of defects or security vulnerabilities in the Membership Services, as well as the truthfulness, accuracy, currency, usefulness, reliability, legality, and non-infringement of third-party rights of the content provided to members through the Membership Services. Nachi shall not be liable for any disadvantages or damages incurred by members in connection with the use of the Membership Services.
  • Even if Nachi incurs any responsibility towards members in relation to the Membership Services, Nachi shall only be liable to compensate for actual and direct damages that have actually arisen to members in the ordinary course of events. Nachi shall not be liable for damages arising from special circumstances.
Article 11 (Suspension of Use, Revocation of Membership)
  • Nachi reserves the right to take measures, without prior notice, to suspend a member's use of the Membership Services, suspend their account, change their ID and password, or revoke their membership qualification, if the member is determined to fall under any of the following cases. Even if such actions result in any disadvantage or damage to the member, Nachi shall not be held responsible.
    • If a member engages in actions that violate laws or these Terms of Use,
    • If a member engages in fraudulent activities related to the use of the member services,
    • If it is necessary to ensure the security of a member, such as in cases where there are a certain number of incorrect password entries,
    • and in other cases where Nachi deems it inappropriate.
  • In addition to the preceding paragraph, if a member fails to log in a certain number of times within a certain period as stipulated by Nachi, Nachi may take the measures specified in the preceding paragraph without prior notice. The scope of Nachi's responsibility for taking such measures shall be the same as that described in the preceding paragraph.
Article 12 (Member Withdrawal and Termination of Agreement)
  • A member can terminate this Agreement at any time through the withdrawal procedures of Nachi.
  • If this Agreement is terminated due to the procedures for withdrawal in the preceding section, the member will immediately lose access to their account and member services. Any rights of the member related to the member services that were held at that point will be extinguished, except as otherwise specified by Nachi for each service, and the member will not be entitled to make any claims against Nachi. However, if the member had obligations towards Nachi prior to the termination of this Agreement, such obligations shall not be extinguished. Unless otherwise specified by Nachi for each service, the member must promptly settle all such obligations after the termination of this Agreement.
Article 13 (Changes to Member Services)
  • Nachi reserves the right to modify, suspend, or terminate the member services at any time without prior notice due to business reasons, system overload, system malfunctions, maintenance, changes in laws and regulations, natural disasters, power outages, communication failures, unauthorized access, and other reasons. Nachi shall not be held responsible for any damages incurred by members as a result of such actions.
Article 14 (Handling of Personal Information)
  • Nachi will handle the personal information of members appropriately based on Nachi's designated "Privacy Policy."
Article 15 (Confidentiality)
  • Members must treat as confidential any undisclosed proprietary information disclosed by Nachi on the member services platform and must not disclose or leak such information to third parties without prior written consent from Nachi.
Article 16 (Intellectual Property Rights)
  • All intellectual property rights pertaining to the member services and the content provided in connection with the member services shall belong to Nachi or third parties authorized by Nachi.
Article 17 (Transfer of Rights and Obligations)
  • Members may not assign, transfer, pledge, or otherwise dispose of their rights or obligations under this Agreement to any third party without prior written consent from Nachi.
  • Nachi is entitled to assign the claims to third parties concerning members, and members agree that their personal information and related data may be provided to such third parties for this purpose.
Article 18 (Severability)
  • Even if some provisions of these Terms of Use are deemed illegal, invalid, or unenforceable under applicable laws, the remaining provisions of these Terms of Use shall remain valid and in effect.
Article 19 (Applicable Law and Jurisdiction)
  • This Terms of Use shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of Japan, and in the event of any litigation arising out of or in connection with this Terms of Use, the Tokyo District Court shall be the exclusive agreed jurisdiction court for the first instance.

Revision History:
Established on July 1, 2023.